Adult Beach Volleyball Rules

Rules for the 2025 Summer Season





  • All players must sign a liability waiver before their first game
    • All players must sign the provided waiver of liability and complete all required paperwork on the first day before participating in their first game. Players must arrive at least 20 minutes early to allow time for this process
    • To add new players to your team after the first day, speak with the Volleyball Beach Director and complete the waiver before they play


  • NO OUTSIDE FOOD, BEVERAGES, ALCOHOL, OR COOLERS ARE ALLOWED ON THE PREMISES. All food and beverages must be purchased on site and ALL alcohol must be consumed within the complex. This is a STATE LAW
    • No glass containers will be taken onto the volleyball courts
  • You MUST BE 21 to consume any alcohol! Any team providing alcohol to a minor will be dismissed from the league and banned from the bar
  • No animals excluding service animal are allowed to be on the courts, patio or in the establishment
  • There is a water hose available to rinse off sand before entering the restaurant or going to the restroom. Please do not let children play in the hose, it is for players only
  • Your purchase is a reservation for the dates listed in the schedule, rain or shine. We will do our best to provide other rescheduling options but cannot guarantee them or provide refunds if all games are not played due to weather and/or acts of God


  • This is an adult league and players must be 18 & older – If a player is 18, a parent or legal guardian must sign the waiver on their behalf
  • Teams consist of up to 6 players, but at least 2 must be female, (plus subs). A team can still play if only 4 players are present, but again at least 2 must be female
  • Matches must start within 10 minutes of the scheduled start time and be completed within the scheduled hour.  Once the hour is up, the game is over and the next match takes the court. It is important that we stay on schedule to avoid delaying the following matches
  • Teams must self-call (no lifts, double hits, net contact, carries, etc.) there will be no refs & teams must keep their own scores during a game
    • Serves
      • First serve is determined by volley – team to win the volley serves first
      • Serves will be made from behind the tape & within the net standards
      • Overhand serves are allowed, however for every 3 successful overhand serves: there must be 1 underhand serve, then a player may overhand serve again (3 over & 1 under, 3 over & 1 under etc)
    • A serve that touches the net and continues over is in play
    • No obvious lifts (throwing/grasping the ball) will be allowed
    • No net contact
    • If more than one hit is used to return the ball, at least one female must touch the ball
    • The ball may be played with any part of the body
    • No blocking serves
    • If any part of the ball touches the boundary tape, if the ball moves the tape, the ball is in
    • Disputed points will be replayed
    • Spiking is not allowed on a return serve
    • Substitutions must rotate into the game at the serving position.  The entire team must rotate together, not just the front or back rows 
  • Match Format
    • Best of 3 sets using rally scoring (every serve = point)
    • First two sets to 21, win by 2
    • Third set to 15, win by 2
      • To ensure we end on time and the hour is almost up, the first team to 7/10/15 points when time is up & (wins by 2) wins the set
  • Team Captains are responsible for reporting scores to the tournament director immediately after the match—unreported scores result in a loss
  • Results from week to week will help determine the standing for tournament play, including points


  • We will rarely cancel games prior to game time due to weather. Please DO NOT call to see if your game is cancelled. We will determine if matches are cancelled as close as we can to the start of the match (remember we have Nebraska weather) if a game is cancelled we will post on our Instagram & FB page & try to contact the team captains
  • In the event of lightening, we will announce for teams to clear the courts if we feel there is a safety issue
  • If Club Legacy/Lucky Strike Entertainment cancels games due to weather for safety reasons, we have a 9th/10th week built into the schedule depending on which session you are playing in. In this case, the tournament will be pushed to week 9 or 10, (again depending on which session you are playing in) and pool play will continue for an additional week. Week 8/9 is the scheduled tournament week, but if a cancellation occurs, week 9/10 will be used instead

Forfeits & Attendance

  • Teams must notify Steph (402-598-1441) if unable to play, preferably within 24 hours, we will notify opposing team & it will be considered a forfeit for the team that is unable to play.  If we are able & have another team in the same situation, we will match the teams up to play against each other.  Both teams will have a win for the night and teams that can not attend will have a forfeit
  •  If a team is not here 15 minutes after league is started, all wins will go to the opponent
  • Missing two weeks without 24-hour notice = removal from league with no refund

Remember this is for fun & Club Legacy/Lucky Strike Entertainment reserves the right to mediate game outcome if needed!  Volleyball Director has the authority to make any /all final decision in regards to questions related to volleyball not covered in this information sheet.  They are also able to make any changes throughout the season deemed necessary


  • Tournament play will be determined based off of wins and losses during the season. Ties between placement of teams will further be determined by head to head & point differential if needed.  We will determine tournament schedule/play once the number of teams per session are determined. 


  • Any team member(s) behaving  in an unsportsmanlike manner, acting aggressively, using obscene or hateful language will be instructed to leave the premises immediately. After review of the situation further action can be taken potentially resulting in the player and/or team being suspended, removed from the league for the season or permanently banned, all with no refund. 
  • Any team member(s) found fighting, purchasing alcohol for minors, allowing a minor to consume alcohol or bringing outside alcohol into the courts will be removed from the league immediately and if warranted, authorities notified.
  • Any team member(s) or team guest(s) that is a minor and attempts to purchase alcohol will be removed from the league immediately, banned from the premises, and if warranted, authorities notified

CHILDREN  -  Children are welcome at Club Legacy/Lucky Strike Entertainment, however if you bring your children to please keep the following rules in mind.

  • Children must be under the supervision of an adult 18 or over at all times Club Legacy/Lucky Strike Entertainment are not responsible for your children at any point in time
  • Children are NOT ALLOWEDon the courts
  • There is a playground area for children to play in
  • If they are at the court with you, they must stay at the tables
  • Do not let children sit on the side of the courts near the boundary lines/serving area, it is to easy for them to be involved in playing and for a player to go after a ball and someone to get hurt
  • Children must be accompanied by an adult inside the restaurant or bathroom areas
  • Any team that does not follow the above rules for their child(ren), and is repeatedly reprimanded will be asked to leave

Rules and policies are subject to change at any time throughout the season as needed to ensure fair play, safety, and smooth operation of the league.




  • All players must sign a liability waiver before their first game
    • All players must sign the provided waiver of liability and complete all required paperwork on the first day before participating in their first game. Players must arrive at least 20 minutes early to allow time for this process
    • To add new players to your team after the first day, speak with the Volleyball Beach Director and complete the waiver before they play


  • NO OUTSIDE FOOD, BEVERAGES, ALCOHOL, OR COOLERS ARE ALLOWED ON THE PREMISES. All food and beverages must be purchased on site and ALL alcohol must be consumed within the complex. This is a STATE LAW
    • No glass containers will be taken onto the volleyball courts
  • You MUST BE 21 to consume any alcohol! Any team providing alcohol to a minor will be dismissed from the league and banned from the bar
  • No animals excluding service animal are allowed to be on the courts, patio or in the establishment
  • There is a water hose available to rinse off sand before entering the restaurant or going to the restroom. Please do not let children play in the hose, it is for players only
  • Your purchase is a reservation for the dates listed in the schedule, rain or shine. We will do our best to provide other rescheduling options but cannot guarantee them or provide refunds if all games are not played due to weather and/or acts of God


  • This is an adult league and players must be 18 & older – If a player is 18, a parent or legal guardian must sign the waiver on their behalf
  • Teams consist of up to 6 players, but at least 2 must be female, (plus subs). A team can still play if only 4 players are present, but again at least 2 must be female
  • Matches must start within 10 minutes of the scheduled start time and be completed within the scheduled hour.  Once the hour is up, the game is over and the next match takes the court. It is important that we stay on schedule to avoid delaying the following matches
  • Teams must self-call (no lifts, double hits, net contact, carries, etc.) there will be no refs & teams must keep their own scores during a game
    • Serves
      • First serve is determined by volley – team to win the volley serves first
      • Serves will be made from behind the tape & within the net standards
      • Overhand serves are allowed
    • A serve that touches the net and continues over is in play
    • No obvious lifts (throwing/grasping the ball) will be allowed
    • No net contact
    • If more than one hit is used to return the ball, at least one female must touch the ball
    • The ball may be played with any part of the body
    • No blocking serves
    • If any part of the ball touches the boundary tape, if the ball moves the tape, the ball is in
    • Disputed points will be replayed
    • Spiking is not allowed on a return serve
    • Substitutions must rotate into the game at the serving position.  The entire team must rotate together, not just the front or back rows 
  • Match Format
    • Best of 3 sets using rally scoring (every serve = point)
    • First two sets to 21, win by 2
    • Third set to 15, win by 2
      • To ensure we end on time and the hour is almost up, the first team to 7/10/15 points when time is up & (wins by 2) wins the set
  • Team Captains are responsible for reporting scores to the tournament director immediately after the match—unreported scores result in a loss
  • Results from week to week will help determine the standing for tournament play, including points


  • We will rarely cancel games prior to game time due to weather. Please DO NOT call to see if your game is cancelled. We will determine if matches are cancelled as close as we can to the start of the match (remember we have Nebraska weather) if a game is cancelled we will post on our Instagram & FB page & try to contact the team captains
  • In the event of lightening, we will announce for teams to clear the courts if we feel there is a safety issue
  • If Club Legacy/Lucky Strike Entertainment cancels games due to weather for safety reasons, we have a 9th/10th week built into the schedule depending on which session you are playing in. In this case, the tournament will be pushed to week 9 or 10, (again depending on which session you are playing in) and pool play will continue for an additional week. Week 8/9 is the scheduled tournament week, but if a cancellation occurs, week 9/10 will be used instead

Forfeits & Attendance

  • Teams must notify Steph (402-598-1441) if unable to play, preferably within 24 hours, we will notify opposing team & it will be considered a forfeit for the team that is unable to play.  If we are able & have another team in the same situation, we will match the teams up to play against each other.  Both teams will have a win for the night and teams that can not attend will have a forfeit
  •  If a team is not here 15 minutes after league is started, all wins will go to the opponent
  • Missing two weeks without 24-hour notice = removal from league with no refund

Remember this is for fun & Club Legacy/Lucky Strike Entertainment reserves the right to mediate game outcome if needed!  Volleyball Director has the authority to make any /all final decision in regards to questions related to volleyball not covered in this information sheet.  They are also able to make any changes throughout the season deemed necessary


  • Tournament play will be determined based off of wins and losses during the season. Ties between placement of teams will further be determined by head to head & point differential if needed.  We will determine tournament schedule/play once the number of teams per session are determined. 


  • Any team member(s) behaving  in an unsportsmanlike manner, acting aggressively, using obscene or hateful language will be instructed to leave the premises immediately. After review of the situation further action can be taken potentially resulting in the player and/or team being suspended, removed from the league for the season or permanently banned, all with no refund. 
  • Any team member(s) found fighting, purchasing alcohol for minors, allowing a minor to consume alcohol or bringing outside alcohol into the courts will be removed from the league immediately and if warranted, authorities notified.
  • Any team member(s) or team guest(s) that is a minor and attempts to purchase alcohol will be removed from the league immediately, banned from the premises, and if warranted, authorities notified

CHILDREN  -  Children are welcome at Club Legacy/Lucky Strike Entertainment, however if you bring your children to please keep the following rules in mind.

  • Children must be under the supervision of an adult 18 or over at all times Club Legacy/Lucky Strike Entertainment are not responsible for your children at any point in time
  • Children are NOT ALLOWEDon the courts
  • There is a playground area for children to play in
  • If they are at the court with you, they must stay at the tables
  • Do not let children sit on the side of the courts near the boundary lines/serving area, it is to easy for them to be involved in playing and for a player to go after a ball and someone to get hurt
  • Children must be accompanied by an adult inside the restaurant or bathroom areas
  • Any team that does not follow the above rules for their child(ren), and is repeatedly reprimanded will be asked to leave

Rules and policies are subject to change at any time throughout the season as needed to ensure fair play, safety, and smooth operation of the league.